Chronic Migraine Treatment / Coolsculpting Elite; Emsculpt Neo / Hyperhydrosis / Medical Weight Loss Management


Migraines are a type of headache which can feel debilitating.  They are typically throbbing in nature, unilateral, accompanied by nausea +/- vomiting and photosensitivity (sensitivity to light). Some known triggers include alcohol, sleep deprivation, stress and hormonal fluctuations. Migraines can be episodic (infrequent attacks) or chronic (more that 15 headache days per month); 1-2% of the population suffer with the latter. 

Medications can be used as prophylaxis (preventative) as well as for addressing acute attacks. If these measures have not been successful at reducing your frequency of migraine attacks, you can be referred for Botulinum Toxin Type A injections to relieve chronic migraine. Clinical studies have shown that Botulinum Toxin Type A can provide up to 70% relief in migraine symptoms. Dr Chandni has undergone specialist training in performing this procedure and has vast experience in diagnosing and treating different subtypes of headache. 

  • Ultra-fine needles are used to inject Botulinum Toxin Type A into 7 key muscle groups around the head, neck and scalp to treat chronic migraine. Symptoms should begin to improve after 5 days and relief can be expected for 3 months, after which you can have a repeat treatment. Dr Chandni also advises keeping a headache diary to ascertain triggers, frequency and timing of attacks, to monitor your progress.

  • PAIN: Mild

    DOWNTIME: 0-24h (possibly mild bruising)

    RESULTS: Results are seen from 5 days

    RECOMMENDED COURSE: 3 monthly treatments

    TREATS: Chronic migraine

  • Chronic migraine treatment from £550


CoolSculpting® elite is the newest FDA cleared non-surgical fat freezing treatment, clinically proven to reduce stubborn areas of fat by up to 25%. Results can be seen from 3 weeks and keep improving over 3 months. It is quick, effective and has no downtime associated. Coolsculpting®  Elite can treat many areas of the body, including the abdomen, flanks, thighs, chin, bra fat and arms.  

The CoolSculpting®  Elite technology uses cryolipolysis (fat-freezing) to safely deliver controlled cooling on specific areas to gently but effectively target and crystallise the fat cells. The fat cells are then eliminated through your lymphatic system. Depending on the target area, you may need 1-3 sessions.

  • Following a thorough consultation, considering your general health, diet and lifestyle factors, a detailed body scan is performed. A thorough treatment plan is created for the areas of concern and applicators are positioned and secured, following prep of the skin. A cold sensation may initially be felt on starting the treatment but this settles after a few minutes and the procedure is very comfortable and well tolerated. Following the treatment there is no downtime.

  • PAIN: Mild

    DOWNTIME: 0-24h (possible mild swelling/discomfort)

    RESULTS: Results are seen within 3 weeks and continue improving for 3 months

    TREATS: stubborn areas of fat (abdomen, flanks, under chin, back, thighs, arms)

  • Coolsculpting Elite from £500


Dr Chandni is pleased to announce the launch of the medical weight management service, as a fully certified member of the National Medical Weight Loss Program. This takes a holistic approach to weight-loss, incorporating your nutrition, exercise regime as well as your medical health to optimise your weight-loss journey and achieve the best results. 

Following a thorough consultation detailing your weight, baseline blood test results, medical history and weight-related goals, a treatment plan is developed. If suitable, a prescribed medication is then used to aid weight loss and reduce the risk of certain weight-related conditions (e.g. cardiovascular disease).

  • The medication comes in the form of an injection pen (taken weekly, each pen containing 4 doses). It has gained FDA approval and is also approved for use in the NHS. It mimics GLP 1, which is a hormone involved in appetite regulation. The medication increases your satiety, meaning you feel less hungry and delays your stomach emptying, which also helps you feel ‘full’. It can also stimulate insulin secretion and reduce glucagon (both hormones released by the pancreas); this can reduce the onset of type 2 diabetes. Your progress will be monitored throughout with one-to-one follow up appointments and a review of your progress.

    As with all medication, there may be some side effects. You may experience nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, indigestion, vomiting (rare). These usually settle down, but if particularly troublesome, medications can be prescribed to manage these side effects.

    Patients tend to lose 5-6kg every 4-6 weeks; this varies from person-to-person. Of course, a healthy diet and exercise regime needs to also be continued alongside this intervention.

  • Weight loss management from £300


Excess sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, is a condition where sweat glands are over-active. Sweating, in most cases, is normal; it allows our bodies to regulate temperature. In hyperhidrosis, however, the sweating is excessive. This can feel embarrassing for some people and cause anxiety around social situations. Dr Chandni commonly treats the underarms, hands, feet, hairline and scalp. Botulinum Toxin Type A (‘Botox®) can be used to relax the muscles of the sweat gland and reduce the secretion of sweat. 

  • The treatment area is prepped and small, ultra-fine injections of Botulinum Toxin Type A are administered to the area. Sweating will start to reduce within 3 days and results last for 3-4 months. This treatment is highly effective and the dramatic results can really improve a sufferer’s quality of life, improving confidence and enhancing comfort.

  • PAIN: Mild

    DOWNTIME: 0-24h (possible mild bruising)

    RESULTS: Results are seen within 3 days and last 4 months

    TREATS: Hyperidrosis (underarms, palms of hands, feet, scalp)

  • Hyperhidrosis treatment from £350


EMSculpt Neo is an FDA-cleared non-invasive body sculpting device. It eliminates fat (up to 30%) and builds muscle (up to 25%) in a short 30-minute treatment with no downtime. EMSculpt Neo combines radiofrequency (RF) with high intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to generate supramaximal muscle contractions. This means activation of more muscle fibres than achievable in a normal exercise session, increasing muscle definition and reducing fat cells. This can firm, tighten and sculpt areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, upper arms.

  • The applicators are strapped onto the treatment area and the device will be started initially at the lowest setting, increased as tolerated. You will experience a contracting and heating sensation, which feels like tightening but is not painful. The supramaximal contractions will cycle through different phases fluctuating in strength and length of contractions. There is no downtime post treatment.

    The combination of HIFEM and radiofrequency triggers contractions over the treatment area, burning fat and building muscle. A course of treatment consists of a treatment every week, for 4 weeks. Results are usually seen 2 weeks after the last session and last for 6-12 months. There have been no reported side effects from this procedure but certain contraindications include having the copper coil, metalwork in the body, infection over the site of treatment.

  • Using high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy, one session of EMSculpt Neo creates 24,000 muscle contractions to improve muscle tone and strength. This treatment can be done on the abdomen, buttocks, arms, thighs, and calves to tone and sculpt muscles. Clinical studies have shown that muscle mass increases by 25% with 30% fat reduction after 4 treatments.

  • PAIN: Mild

    DOWNTIME: None

    RESULTS: Results are seen in from 2-12 weeks post treatment.

    RECOMMENDED COURSE: 4 treatments weekly; maintenance every 6-12 months

    TREATS: Abdomen, thighs, buttocks, upper arms

  • Course of 4 treatments: £1500